family walking into school

United Christian Academy - A home away from home

As you enter our school, you will immediately sense a unique atmosphere. Visiting us in person will give you a feel for the UCA culture. We are so much more than a building! Walk our hallways, witness our core values lived out, and hear how teachers interact with their students.


picture of church and school building

New location for 2024-2025!

To my surprise, I instantly felt a spirit of honor and humility when walking into the school. I felt we were witnessing a community, a family, a team working for the Lord. How was I so deserving of a school that follows the Lord for our precious child? I was truly humbled. I felt it was ours to have without even having applied or been accepted. It was like the Lord was opening my eyes and telling my heart, "You're home."

Ashley & Michael  

   Parents of 1st grade student

Visiting Options

Meet the Admissions Team

Call us: (952)831-8686

Headshot of Administrator

Trisha Anderson

Admissions Director

headshot of administrator

Melissa Trautman

Admissions and Finance Assistant